Thursday, July 21, 2011

Isabella's 12 Months!

Here are some of the stats from her recent well-baby check-up for 12 months!!  By the way, I cannot believe she is already a year old.  :)  She is a sweet little girl, and that is all there is to it!

Getting measured!
Height: 17 3/4 inches (71 percentile)
Weight: 18.13 pounds (14 percentile)
Head Circumference: 29 3/4 CM (50 percentile)

All of the measurements are following her graph nicely, so I am not going to worry about a skinny tot.  It is what it is, and she eats, so all is good.

Who needs a Band-Aid?
She did have to get two shots, but did really well.  Cried a little for the first one, not at all for the second (probably because it was already numb from the first).  She stopped quick, and waved "Bye" to the nurse as she left, 2 minutes later she is picking the Band-Aid off her leg!

I received a lot of positive feedback from including things about her life, so here are a few more. :)

How long is her hair?
LONG.  She pretty much has to wear it up all the time, or else it hangs down to her mouth.  Yes, I know you are dying to ask, I have caught her trying to eat her hair, since it dangles to her mouth, I suppose that makes it quite tempting.  Yes, to answer your next question, she had a lot of bows, and she has lost a few, usually to her tossing them to Pugsley without us noticing! ;)  He thinks that makes them a chew toy.

What does she eat?
 Pretty much everything at the table, as long as it is soft, and doesn't present a choking hazard.  Her favorites (i.e. we get a big "YUM" when she eats them) are quinoa, black beans, brown rice, Tilapia, chicken, Cheerios, cheese, Mamaw's blueberry yum-yum and cake (these are two very recent newly acquired favorites, after her birthday parties- go figure!). We are starting to see our own favorite foods come out in the favorites she really likes to eat.  How cool is that?  It makes my heart smile.

What does she say?
Answers questions/recognizes things - i.e. Q: "How does Pugsley go?"  A: "Ahhoooo."
Claps her hands on command (without a visual)
Waves "Hi" and "Bye" and says each appropriately (old news, but still sweet)

Is she walking?
Not officially.  She obviously walks assisted, runs around in a walker, and can stand for a really long time, but hasn't walked on prompt for us yet.  It's cool, I am glad she is going at her own pace, rather than ours. :)  I have a feeling once she starts walking we will be getting a lot of exercise running around the house chasing her!

How long is she sleeping?
She goes down around 6:30-7.  We try to keep her up a little later, since it is summer time, but she just keeps rubbing and rubbing her eyes.  She normally gets up at 9 the next morning.  I know I have been blessed with a sleeper and I am very thankful for that.  Each child is different, so I am sure if we ever had another he or she would NOT sleep so well. :)

Yep, she takes them, like a champ.  She has taken herself down to 1 nap a day (I am not worried about it because she sleeps so long at night- play hard, sleep hard).  Usually she goes down around 12-1 and sleeps for about an hour and a half.

What does she "like"?
Love my swing from Poppy!
She has started recognizing VeggieTales songs (we sing them to her if she gets sleepy in the car).  She got a little Larry the Cucumber for her birthday and her eyes were WIDE with excitement, so she is pretty much hooked. :)  She also likes to sit and read a book- this melts my heart, of course.  Her Poppy got her a swing to go on our deck for her birthday and she very much enjoys swinging on it!  Swimming is the new thing.  She loves it, but only if Mum takes her in!  I can pass her off after I have taken her in, but not before.  Cute. 

Check back soon, I will be posting about each of her parties, so you can see the princess in action!  I must say, laid-back princess is a good way to describe it! :)

Be Blessed.

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