Sunday, July 24, 2011

30 Things to do Before I'm 30, pt.3

You have already seen part 1 and 2, if not, go HERE and HERE and read 'em!

Here is part three.

These are all local to my home.  I purposefully chose these to prove that where I live IS enough. :)

11.  Visit Gettysburg, again.  Not to just see the sites, or to be able to say, "Ive been there", but to feel the spirit of our Nation and what makes this such a special place.  I also want to view it from a woman's perspective (hopefully I can find a historical piece of writing to sustain this!).

12.  Visit Zoo America.  The zoo is next to Hershey Park, thus living in the shadow of the giant.  I was here once before with Matt, but it was kinda chilly then and we didn't spend a lot of time there.  I would like to learn more about the species housed at the Zoo. 

13.  Visit the Capital.  President Theodore Roosevelt called the capital "The most handsomest build I ever saw!" and for good reason.  Take it all in, from the "handsomest" perspective. 

14.  Attend a Harrisburg Senators' game.  They are a minor league team that is pretty darn good- the likes of Strasburg & Bryce Harper.

15. Shakespeare in the Park.  A free festival, celebrating the obvious, including free showings of the year's play.  This year it is: All's Well That Ends Well.

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