Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Free..Free as we'll ever be...

I should first address our blog's title: Free...Free as we'll ever be...

I chose this as the title for our blog for a couple of reasons.  This is a lyric from Zac Brown Band's song "Free."  

Here is the video from YouTube:  Zac Brown Band "Free'"

This line really reminds me of our lives.  We moved to PA in 2006 after finding out Matt's mother was ill.  We felt that God was calling us here to spend time with her, both for her benefit and ours.  The lyrics for the song really speak to my heart about Dottie and Bill- they had such sweet dreams for retirement, growing old together, spending time with their grandchildren, but it was cut short.  It speaks to me, because no matter where you are in life, you should live it freely, like it is your last.  Dottie really believed this throughout her life, and I hope that we can carry on in her footsteps.  

I also feel that my family-Matt, myself, little Isabella and our sweet Puggies live our lives as freely as we can, traveling the world, seeing and experiencing everything we can, and living life for God.  We are by no means the 'perfect' family, but we just hope to help someone by our experiences and use these trials to strengthen our walk with God.

So this is where our title came from, and how important it is to our family. =) We hope you enjoy our blog and the story of our little family life in our corner of the world.

Welcome to the blogosphere!!

Well, The Dressler family has made it to the world of blogging!  I guess it took a baby to get us here! ;)  I have always wanted to create a blog to keep those family members we have, that don't regularly get to see us, in the loop on our lives.  I also thought it would be fun to share our love of all things food and fitness, plus help out anyone that had questions about the crafts I make for our home.

I think that our blog will be organized into 5 main areas, although my organization side might be more detailed than that once we get started, since I started out thinking there will be 3 main areas, and it changed to 5!  The five main areas will be family, travel, food, fitness, and all things crafty.