Thursday, July 12, 2012

Decorating: Rustic, Vintage Yellow and White

This year I decided to decorate Isabella's 2nd birthday party using a rustic, vintage yellow and white theme.

The party was an outdoor cookout and pool party, so I didn't want to go too overboard, but I really had some great ideas flowing and I am not one to just "throw a kids party."

Those of you that know me know I will try anything crafty once, if I think it will be pretty. :) I wanted white flowers, but I didn't want to buy them (let's face it: on a day that is pushing 105, how long would a real flower last, without wilting into oblivion?) I am very serious about repurposing items, so I was thinking how could I make them? Ah Ha! Remember those paper flowers we used to make back in the day? Well, why not!?

So I set out Googling tutorials on how to make tissue paper flowers. A task which I thought would be insanely easy during the time of Pinterest and other Martha Stewartish websites, but alas I was incorrect. You could find plenty of pretty pictures on Pinterest (not what I use the site for- I want tutorials on how to make the pretty things) and everything I found on Google lacked pictures. I have learned something about myself in my old-aged wisdom: I like to make things by a tutorial with pictures, therefore I must be a visual learner (I AM a photographer and a teacher by trade).

I clicked back and forth between a few websites and their hard to follow directions and created the following flower. :)

I wanted a large, white hydrangea type flower, and searching with that as a key word wasn't much more help, so I went back to the least confusing site and modified the suggestions. Here are my simple steps, with pictures :) to make a large, fluffy, full flower!

What do you need?
Tissue paper package (40 sheets work good for a party)
Silver floral wire
Green floral wire
Sticks from the yard (remember rustic and repurposing??)
Pine tree dried sprigs (see finished picture)
Burlap wrap
Small and Medium sized pinecones

1. Cut 10 tissue papers in 8 inch by 10 inch "squares". I was able to get 4 sets per sheet out of the pack I bought, but this will vary depending on the shape and size of tissue paper packets you buy.

 2. Fold the tissue back and forth in 1/2 inch width.

3.  Wrap silver floral wire around the center of the folded tissue paper and twist tie the stem of the wire.

4.  Round cut the edges of your folded paper.

5. Begin pulling the tissue sheets apart on each side, one by one, while the side is "fanned" out. Be careful with this step or you will tear the tissue.

6. After both sides are fluffed, make sure the flower is nice and round, adjust and squish accordingly.

7. Using the green floral wire, secure the flower's silver wire tail to the stick you previously found in the yard. Trim stem as necessary and re-fluff the flower so it looks fabulous!

8. Place flowers in Ball Jar vase and display for all to see! I found that 4 flowers filled the jar fully, but you could do 3 flowers and let them hang loosely in the jar.

9.  Add a couple of sprigs of dried pine branches for dimension and depth.

To change the flower, just cut the ends differently to resemble the petals of the flower you are mimicking.

Cut the tissue squares smaller if you want smaller flowers.

Also add a splash of color to the center of a flower to jazz it up a bit. Be sure this color stays on top of your flower as you spread the sheets apart.


Now you are probably asking: "Hey, Sarah, where's the yellow!?"

I love using fruits and vegetables in my decorations (the annual white pumpkin vase has been a Thanksgiving family request for the past 4 years- thanks Martha Stewart Magazine for another great centerpiece that lasts a long time!) and I hadn't used lemons in a while, so what better to do than to use them in these decorations?
In the bottom of the Ball Jar, I cut lemons into slices and filled the bottom of the jar, so the lemon slice was facing out all around. It took about a lemon and a half to complete each Ball Jar to the fullness I desired. Keep in mind I didn't use the ends or any slices that weren't full and lemony looking. :)

Add a little water and they float beautifully. :)

Here's the finished product!
Guest dining table decoration.

I loosely and freely wrapped some burlap on each of the tables and added a handful of medium and small pine cones I picked up in the yard (remember that repurpose idea?  :)  ) around the vase and burlap to tie in the rustic, vintage feel I was going for!

One of the centerpieces for the Hor Dourves Table.
I am happy to report that the lemons last a REALLY long time, so to can use this centerpiece for several days without changing it out or the "flowers" going bad!! Plus, even better, it makes my house smell so summery and perfect. :)


1 comment:

  1. Oh my goodness - Those are BEAUTIFUL!!! I am so impressed!!!! you did a great job, and I must be a visual learner too because I think I could figure it out based on your tutorial (and I am NOT crafty at all)!!! LOVE!!!
