Sunday, August 14, 2011

Isabella's New Talent

I have been itching to share this since July 28th, however, I refused to do so until everyone had the chance to see her do this in person first!  Now that everyone in our immediate family has witnessed this first hand (who wants to see it via the internet before real life??) I am happy to share Isabella's new talent!!!

On her 385th day of life, she did it up right!


:D <---- proud Mum and Dad smile!

Way To Go Isabella!!  You are well on your way to being the most fabulous baby ever.

Who needs to take the first one or two steps, when you can rock it out Belle style with 11 steps?  She is definitely her daddy's girl!

We love you!

P.S. Sorry the video quality isn't prime, but I am SO thankful for the IPhone...otherwise we wouldn't be able to share this awesomeness with you great folks! :)

Be Blessed.

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